1,812 research outputs found

    Image and representation of stereotypes and archetypes in Spanish television audiovisual fiction: from Cites to El Pueblo as cases of educommunication in series

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    La ficción audiovisual ejerce un rol socializador que influye en la construcción de las identidades personales. La proyección de la ficción en la consolidación de nuevas representaciones es determinante en las sociedades actuales, adquiriendo relevancia gracias a su capacidad de conformar personalidades a través de su imagen, influenciar en la conducta y determinar comportamientos. Este artículo pretende profundizar en la imagen de los estereotipos, arquetipos y roles sociales presentados en la ficción española coral a través de dos casos de estudio específicos: la urbana Cites y la rural El Pueblo. El objetivo fundamental es el de exponer las tendencias de tramas y personajes en dicha representación audiovisual. Para ello, se ha empleado una metodología mixta, con base de corte socio-semiótico y triangulación metodológica, que ha permitido estudiar enfoques desde la óptica de la educomunicación. Los resultados arrojan conclusiones relevantes alrededor de los diferentes modelos, estereotipos y arquetipos mostrados con referencia a la cuestión del género y opciones familiares, de pareja o relaciones de convivencia, incorporando patrones relativos a la estructuración familiar con modelos nuevos, insertándolos de un modo normalizado, dándose modelos y relaciones familiares diversos con menor cuestionamiento y mayor normalidad, auspiciando cambios en la sociedad, dado que los espectadores empatizan y desarrollan vínculos con los personajes adquiriendo su perspectiva.Audio-visual fiction plays a socialising role that influences the construction of personal identities. The projection of fiction in the consolidation of new representations is a determining factor in today’s societies, acquiring relevance thanks to its capacity to shape personalities through its image, to influence conduct and determine behaviour. This article delves into the image of stereotypes, archetypes and social roles presented in Spanish choral fiction through two specific case studies: the urban Cites and the rural El Pueblo. The main objective is to expose plot and character trends in this audio-visual representation. To this end, a mixed methodology has been used, based on a socio-semiotic approach and methodological triangulation, allowing us to study approaches from the point of view of educommunication. The results yield relevant conclusions about the different models, stereotypes and archetypes on display, with reference to the issue of gender and family options, couples or cohabitation relationships, incorporating patterns related to family structuring with new models, inserting them in a normalised way, presenting diverse family models and relationships with less questioning and greater normality, bringing about changes in society, given that viewers empathise and develop links with the characters, acquiring their perspective

    Efectos de la restricción parcial del aire de admisión e incremento de la temperatura de la mezcla aire-gas natural en un motor diesel funcionando en el modo diesel/gas

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    Un motor Diesel funcionando en modo Diesel/gas y a cargas bajas tiende a disminuir su rendimiento y producir más emisiones de hidrocarburos (HC) y monóxido de carbono (CO) en los gases de escape, especialmente cuando se utilizan altas proporciones de sustitución de gas natural. Por tal motivo en esta investigación se utilizan dos técnicas para controlar las emisiones de estos contaminantes y mejorar el rendimiento efectivo del motor, la restricción parcial del aire de admisión, para producir una mezcla de gas natural-aire eficazmente rica y el incremento de la temperatura de la mezcla airegas natural, para promover una mejor combustión. Un motor Diesel adaptado a un banco de pruebas en el Laboratorio de Energía de la PUCP que funciona en modo diesel original y modo Diesel/gas natural se utiliza a través de la experimentación. Se analizan los parámetros del consumo específico de combustibles (diesel y gas), rendimiento efectivo, presión en el interior del cilindro y emisiones de HC, CO y óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) en los gases de escape. Los ensayos son realizados en una amplia gama de condiciones de funcionamiento (velocidad del motor, carga y relación de sustitución Diesel/gas). La eficiencia efectiva y las emisiones de HC, CO y NOx del modo Diesel/gas se encuentra afectadas cuando se utiliza la restricción parcial de aire y una mayor temperatura de la mezcla aire - gas natural. Los resultados demuestran que es posible mejor las prestaciones del modo Diesel/gas en el uso de ambas técnicas.Tesi

    A Plot for the Visualization of Missing Value Patterns in Multivariate Data.

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    Missing data patterns are the combinations in which the variables with missing values occur. Exploring these patterns in multivariate data can be very useful but there are few specialized tools. The current paper presents a plot that includes relevant information for visualizing these patterns. The plot is also dynamic-interactive; so, selecting elements in it permits the highlighting of those that are more relevant according to certain criteria. An example, based on college data, is used for the purposes of illustrating the capabilities of the plo

    Asymmetrical nucleosomal DNA signatures regulate transcriptional directionality.

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    [EN]Despite the symmetrical structure of nucleosomes, in vitro studies have shown that transcription proceeds with different efficiency depending on the orientation of the DNA sequence around them. However, it is unclear whether this functional asymmetry is present in vivo and whether it could regulate transcriptional directionality. Here, we report that the proximal and distal halves of nucleosomal DNA contribute differentially to nucleosome stability in the genome. In +1 nucleosomes, this asymmetry facilitates or hinders transcription depending on the orientation of its underlying DNA, and this difference is associated with an asymmetrical interaction between DNA and histones. These properties are encoded in the DNA signature of +1 nucleosomes, since its incorporation in the two orientations into downstream nucleosomes renders them asymmetrically accessible to MNase and inverts the balance between sense and antisense transcription. Altogether, our results show that nucleosomal DNA endows nucleosomes with asymmetrical properties that modulate the directionality of transcription

    Moléculas inflamatorias y marcadores de lesión endotelial en la isquemia cerebral : participación en el deterioro neurológico y la transformación hemorrágiaca

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingur de la portada digitalitzadaLos mecanismos implicados en el deterioro neurológico precoz (DNP) y en la transformación hemorrágica (TH) de la lesión isquémica cerebral no se conocen con exactitud. Estudios previos habían demostrado la asociación de niveles elevados de TNF-a e IL-6 con el DNP en pacientes con isquemia cerebral independientemente del mecanismo ictal. Sin embargo, los mecanismos relacionados con el DNP en pacientes con infarto lacunar no se conocían con exactitud. Con el objetivo de determinar si los mecanismos inflamatorios participaban en la progresión y el pronóstico funcional de estos pacientes se determinaron los niveles de TNF-a, IL-6 e ICAM-1 en el momento del ingreso en 113 pacientes con ictus lacunar de 14 pg/mL y de ICAM-1 > 208 pg/mL se asociaban de manera independiente tanto con el DNP como con el mal pronóstico funcional evaluado a los 3 meses. En cuanto a la TH, se había demostrado la asociación de niveles elevados de MMP-9 y la aparición de TH exclusivamente en pacientes con ictus de mecanismo cardioembólico por lo que se analizaron los niveles de esta molécula en 250 pacientes con ictus hemisférico de 14 pg/mL and ICAM-1 > 208 pg/mL were independently associated with both END and poor outcome at 3 months. On the other hand, the association between high levels of matrix metaloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and secondary bleeding in patients with cardiembolic ischemic stroke had been already published. However, there were no data about the HT predictive capacity of MMP-9 in patients with other stroke subtypes. The association between high levels of MMP-9 and the development of HT was determined in 250 patients with hemispheric ischemic stroke within the first 24 hours of symptoms' onset. The results demonstrated that those patients with HT had significantly higher levels of MMP-9 at admission compared to those without secondary bleeding. Logistic regression analysis showed that MMP-9 levels ≥ 140 ng/mL were independently associated with HT after adjustment for potential confounders. Moreover, MMP-9 levels ≥ 140 ng/mL predicted the development of HT with a sensitivity, especificity, negative predictive value (NPV) and positive predictive value (PPV) of 87%, 90%, 61% and 97%, respectively. Finally, the association between the levels of cellular-Fibronectin (c-Fn), taken as a more specific marker of endothelial damage, and the development of HT in 87 patients who received thrombolytic treatment with rt-PA was evaluated. In order to compare the predictive capacity of MMP-9 and c-Fn levels, the levels of MMP-9 were also analyzed in this group of patients. The results demonstrated that patients with HT had significantly higher c-Fn as well as MMP-9 levels before the administration of the treatment. The levels of c-Fn were also higher in patients with symptomatic HT whereas no differences were found in MMP-9 levels between symptomatic and asymptomatic HT. Logistic regression analysis showed that c-Fn levels was the only variable associated with HT development after adjustment of potential confounders, which included MMP-9 levels. Levels of c-Fn ≥ 3.6 µg/mL predicted the development of hemorrhagic infarction type 2 and parenchymal hemorrhage (types of HT that has been reported to occur more often in patients treated with rt-PA) with a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 96%, NPV of 44% and PPV of 100%, whereas the sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV of MMP-9 levels ≥ 140 ng/mL were 81%, 88%, 41% and 98%, respectively. These results were observed both in patients treated within 6 hours and within 3 hours from symptoms' onset. In conclusion, the results suggest that inflammation contributes to brain injury in patients with lacunar stroke and confirm that high plasma MMP-9 concentration is an independent predictor of HT in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Moreover, high plasma c-Fn levels are significantly associated with subsequent HT in stroke patients treated with rt-PA, so plasma c-Fn determinations might be useful in clinical practice to improve the risk/benefit ratio of thrombolytic treatment

    Hacia otra forma de estudiar la salud de mujeres y hombres : guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la investigación en salud

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    En este trabajo se presenta una guía resultado de un proyecto de investigación sobre metodología feminista aplicada al ámbito de la investigación en salud. Su elaboración se apoyó en dos estrategias: 1) revisión bibliográfica y análisis documental de guías, informes, artículos y documentos relacionados con la investigación en salud, género y feminismo; y 2) consulta virtual a personas expertas en el campo de la investigación en salud y género. La guía se estructura en dos partes. La primera presta especial atención a problemas y sesgos que tradicionalmente afectan a la investigación en salud – androcentrismo, insensibilidad y dobles estándares– en sus diferentes fases, desde el diseño, ejecución y evaluación de proyectos hasta la difusión y publicación de sus resultados. La segunda recoge las principales recomendaciones para la introducción del enfoque de género en cada una de las fases señaladas. Finalmente incluye, en forma de anexos, varias herramientas prácticas de aplicación para el trabajo cotidiano de quien investiga. También puede resultar útil a responsables de evaluación de proyectos y a quienes revisan y valoran publicaciones científicas. De esta forma, es una contribución a otra manera de hacer ciencia que no sólo favorece la salud de mujeres y hombres sino que da mayor cuenta de la realidad en salud, incrementando la validez y calidad de la investigación

    Genome-wide search of nucleosome patterns using visual analytics.

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    [EN]The Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) is widely used for the fast alignment of high-throughput sequence data. This method also has potential applications in other areas of bioinformatics, and it can be specially useful for the fast searching of patterns on coverage data from different sources. We present a nucleosome pattern search method that converts levels of nucleosomal occupancy to a sequence-like format to which BWT searches can be applied. The method is embedded in a nucleosome map browser, 'Nucleosee', an interactive visual tool specifically designed to enhance BWT searches, giving them context and making them suitable for visual discourse analysis of the results. The proposed method is fast, flexible and sufficiently generic for the exploration of data in a broad and interactive way. The proposed algorithm and visual browser are available for testing at http://cpg3.der.usal.es/nucleosee. The source code and installation packages are also available at https://github.com/rodrigoSantamaria/nucleosee. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Selection of bioantagonistic bacteria to be used in biological control of Rhizoctonia solani in tomato

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    Bacteria from the rhizoplane and surrounding soil of healthy and Rhizoctonia solani diseased tomato plants, cropped in greenhouse of the V Region of Chile, were collected. The best bacterial strains, based on their ability to control development of three R. solani isolates (identified as belonging to the anastomosis groups AG-2-1, AG-4), were identified as B. subtilis (one isolate) and B. lentimorbus (two different isolates). All bacterial isolates resulted effective for the in vitro control of growth of all R. solani isolates, where the control mechanisms used by the bacteria do not involve the secretion of fungal cell wall hydrolytic enzymes. R. solani AG-2-1 was more sensitive than R. solani AG-4. On the other hand, all bacteria grew well in conditions similar to those that can be found at the field level (considering pH, salinity, Fe3+ and temperature) and showed a good capacity of tomato root colonization. These results suggest that the B. subtilis and B. lentimorbus isolates studied have an excellent potential to be used as biocontrol agents of R. solani in tomato greenhouses at the field level